Resending emails is an efficient way to make up for any missed opportunities.
Despite our best efforts, sometimes our campaigns don’t go exactly as planned.
This can be caused by various reasons that we will look at today.
Resending an email will help to correct these errors if done right. On top of that, it will help to increase your open rate and your conversion rate.
Before you resend your email campaign, you should ask a couple of questions:
- What were the factors that resulted in a negative result?
- Just how do we fix those factors?
In this article, we’ll provide the answers to both. But let’s start from the beginning.
Unsuccessful Email Campaigns
We know an email campaign is unsuccessful if it has not impacted the desired number of recipients.
When a campaign has a low engagement rate few recipients will complete a “call to action”
If your campaigns fail, it is important to find out the reasons why.
Figuring out the reason behind your lack of success will help you avoid the same mistakes in the future. Plus you’ll have a better understanding of the right approach to take to get better results.
Keep in mind that email Marketing Campaigns fail for a number of reasons.
This means that even the greatest marketing campaigns can fail at some point.
Therefore, if your campaign fails do not take it personally and it is not a total loss.
You should find the bug in your system and try again with the same campaign.
Resending an Email due to Poor Performance
I know what you are thinking – Resending an email = CRINGE!
That is almost as bad as double texting your crush and no one wants to do that.
But at the same time, if you texted your crush “Do me you wanna date go on?”
You might want to correct it real quick by texting a follow-up: “Do you want to go on a date with me?”
The point is, email marketing mistakes happen, even to the most experienced email marketers.
What truly counts is the steps you take to identify and correct the error that occurred. Do you send a correction email? Do you ignore the mistake? That would largely depend on the gravity of your mistake.
One thing’s for sure – resending email campaigns can increase the open rate and the conversion rate.
Reasons for Unsuccessful Email Campaigns
An Unsegmented Mailing List
Your email lists are likely to comprise people with different needs and demographics. Everyone interacts with your business differently. As a result, your marketing strategy cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach.
You’ll need to segment your email lists so as to deliver relevant and timely content. Otherwise, your content may end up in the spam folders more often.
Plus, you’ll lose a lot of subscribers and your lists may become unresponsive. And that’s not something you want. You definitely want to have responsive email lists.
This is the result of an unsegmented list and a lack of email targeting.
Can Resending Emails Fix This Issue?
Yes, it can. You can fix this issue by first segmenting your mailing list.
Create individual campaigns for each segment of your mailing list.
List segmentation makes it easy to identify your target audience. From there it will be easy to send them the information they need.
The more relevant your content is, the more engaged your subscribers will be.
Gradually you will see an increase in your open rate.
Segmentation of your email lists is one of the most important list management skills.
Quality autoresponders make it easy to organize your lists and deliver targeted emails.
Once you’ve identified which segment of your list you wish to contact, go ahead and resend your campaign.
The Campaign Had An Error
Making an error is common in Email marketing.
Sometimes marketers are able to catch the error and fix it before the email is sent out.
But on other occasions, we are not so lucky. Sometimes, you design your email, proofread like an adrenaline-fueled English teacher, and when you are sure your email is perfect you hit send.
Then BOOM! Straight out of the left field! That one link that you forgot to check, is broken.
And this is a big hit too, people need that link to watch your latest video!
Errors such as broken links mean recipients can not complete your “call to action”
There are many other common errors that can occur. You’ll often see marketers provide incorrect event dates, especially for webinars.
Can Resending Emails Fix This Error?
Yes, it can (sometimes). But it depends on the type of error.
Resending emails to provide the correct links, dates, or times works really well. Especially when your audience finds your email content valuable. They will be glad to receive an updated email with the correct link.
But of course, not everyone will actually get to see the updated links, dates, or times.
So it’s best to use an autoresponder such as Mailvio that has an automatic link checker. This allows you to correct any error before you hit the send button.
Mistakes with promises that can not be kept are much harder to fix.
Let us say for example your email offers a 5% discount to your subscribers for a new product.
But instead of 5%, your email says 50%. Even if you send an updated version some subscribers will feel entitled to the 50%.
You’ll have to honor your commitment to these subscribers. Otherwise, you’ll lose credibility and trust.
Unclear/Unappealing Subject Line
This may seem like a small issue but it shouldn’t be overlooked. People make judgments about emails based on the subject line alone all the time.
It is the digital version of judging a book by its cover.
Most of your recipients will determine if an email is worth their time based on what they see in the subject line.
When a subject line is irrelevant to your audience, the open rate will be low. Even if the content inside your email is fully tailored to suit them.
Can Resending Emails Fix This Error?
Yes, and this is an easy fix.
Creating a catchy or interesting subject line is not hard. Improving your subject line is an important step. This is true if you are writing a sales email or regular newsletter. This even applies to subject lines for thank you emails.
Simple things can make all the difference. You may want to consider:
- Adding Personalization
- Sparking Curiosity
- Using Urgency
- Using Emojis In Email Subject Lines
- Offering Incentives
Resending Emails To Non-Openers
Sometimes your email campaigns may have no errors at all. But still, you can end up with a low open rate.
This can be caused by many different reasons. It’s possible that your emails were sent at the wrong time. Or maybe they got lost in a sea of other emails.
Worst-case scenario, your emails bounced or ended up in the spam folder.
At any rate, there are a few things you can do to improve your campaign results.
Can Resending Emails Fix This Error?
Yet again we have come across a problem that is easily fixed by simply resending an email.
Subscribers often overlook emails. You can expect lower open rates at busy times such as the holiday season.
Holidays time when a lot of companies schedule their email marketing campaigns.
Top email autoresponders allow you to resend your campaigns to different segments including non-openers. Giving them another chance to view your valuable content.
You can also create detailed workflows that automatically resend unopened emails. That’s the power of email automation.
However, if your emails bounce or end up in the spam folder that’s a whole other ball game. This is an issue with deliverability and can’t be solved just by resending emails.
You’ll need to take a different approach.
Start by cleaning your email list.
Cleaning Your Email Lists
Emails bouncing or ending up in the spam folder is never a good sign. It’s likely that your email lists consist of many spam traps or other invalid email addresses.
To improve your email bounce rate, you’ll need to clean your lists.
List cleaning is fast and there are many services available online to help you with this.
Mailvio’s list cleaning service is one such option. It allows you to quickly remove spam traps and invalid emails from your lists. So that you can mail knowing that your emails will be sent only to valid addresses.
Apart from cleaning your list, you may need to remove inactive subscribers.
Removing Inactive Subscribers
If people don’t open any of your emails over a period of time consider removing them from your lists.
If you keep mailing people who never open your emails your content will eventually be marked as spam.
Make It Easy To Unsubscribe
The last thing to consider is making it easy for people to unsubscribe.
Many people may simply not want to receive your content. And if they don’t know how to unsubscribe they’ll just mark your emails as spam.
This will lower your open rates significantly.
Making it easy to unsubscribe will help remove these people without any hassle.
Here’s an example of how a good unsubscribe option should look like:
When Should You NOT Resend An Email Campaign?
You must avoid resending a campaign that you have already sent out two times.
You might be tempted to do this if your email campaign charted much better the second time around
The law of diminishing returns applies here. The more your subscribers consume the same content the less they will want it. And your campaign will become redundant.
Do not resend emails with formatting/coding errors. That is emails that have many broken links, files that can not be accessed, no call to action, etc.
Creating an Email Marketing campaign is a lot of work. Once you’ve conceptualized and designed the email, make sure to review it before sending it. Then, make sure to track its performance.
When an email campaign fails, it’s better to identify and fix the issue.
It is not a wise decision to abandon an email campaign because it performed poorly initially.
You can get more out of work that you have already done than starting a new campaign.
Email marketers often wonder if sending out the same email will cause better results.
The short answer to this concern is yes. In most cases the problem that caused the low performance of your campaign is fixable.
But don’t think of it as a quick fix for all your email marketing issues.
Think of it as that one bullet in the hoister that should only be fired under certain circumstances.
Resend your emails too many times and they’ll end up in the spam folder.
Avoid this pitfall by only resending an email/email campaign once.
Be sure to compare your winning campaigns to those that fail as well.
Try to identify any possible reasons for low campaign performance.
Only resend once you’ve fixed the problem that caused the poor performance.
We’ve had a lot of success implementing these strategies. What about you?
Have you ever resent an email? If so, let us know what your results were like in the comments below.