You will find the most result-proven email call-to-action examples in this article. Continue reading if you want to boost your conversions.

Do you want your emails to stand out in your reader’s overcrowded inbox?

Email is an essential part of setting up calls, demos, and appointments in sales. Whenever I consult for my clients, we spend a lot of time tweaking their email copy. Effective subject lines are vital to email marketing success.

To ensure that your message gets read, you must provide a compelling subject line. What about the other side of the email? Here’s where you find the second most important piece – the call to action.

What Is An Email Call To Action?

Calls to action in sales emails are short, simple phrases that are found at the end of the message. The words should direct the reader to do something to further the transaction. Booking a meeting is one example. Another is keeping up with regular updates.

In order for them to remain engaged, they need to do something. It may even be argued that the call to action is the metric for success in a sales email.

A sales email can only be successful if the prospect does what you asked them to do in the call to action. Not having to resort to resending email is also a plus.

Calls to action do not happen only at the end of cold emails to prospects. At every stage of the deal, you should include one at the bottom of every e-mail.

Because you’ll always want the other party to do something else unless they’ve actually handed over the money.

Call-to-action buttons are typically placed at the bottom of the email

Top sales email calls to action have several traits:

  1. Their clarity is unquestionable
  2. They’re original 
  3. They request that the other person do something
  4. Only one thing you request.
  5. This is a simple task.
  6. Providing the prospect does so, you have a good reason to speak to them again.

Create Emails Around Your Call To Action

If the point of your email is to get an answer to your call to action, then the rest of the email should be constructed to get the prospect to do just that. So what is involved in making that happen?

Some rules about writing a great email are listed below:

1. The subject line should be excellent. We’ve said this before, but it deserves repeating.

A good subject line can make or break an email.

2. Personalized emails.

Emails can’t always be personalized. But personalize as much as you can, Because studies show personalized emails are open more frequently.

3. Ensure emails are easy to understand.

If you want someone to reply, you cannot introduce complexity. Their time spent on your email will be less than a minute. Take advantage of this time.

4. Make your emails concise.

Please get to the point as soon as possible. We recommend no more than five sentences. If the subject line is thanking them for their subscription, then just several sentences around the CTA to click the verification link would be perfect.

5. Keep questions simple about your prospect.

Engage your prospects and demonstrate what you can offer them. Get them to ask you questions, and then suggest that perhaps you could answer them.

6. Clearly outline why your call to action would be of benefit.

You can’t expect your prospects to respond unless you offer them value. In what ways can you add value to your prospects? What will give them a reason to write you back?

7. End with a direct request.

We have reached the crux of the matter. Should we schedule a meeting? Have them book a meeting.

What Does An Effective Call To Action Entail?

You can send calls to action in many ways. But it is very likely that you will ask them to read a paper, book a meeting, or hold a demo. Ideally, you want to give them a calendar link and remove all the stress and difficulty from their side.

It might also make sense to offer them a simple choice, but this has pros and cons. There are some people who will choose neither option when given a choice between two options.

Providing people with an option, however, can be a powerful way to reframe the situation for the prospect.

When you offer them several options, all of which are good for you, you allow them to retain control while still getting what you want.

Some prospects will benefit from a choice of options, and others will suffer from it. Testing this and observing the behavior it induces in your target market is the best course of action.

You can also ask for an opinion or information – something which enables the prospect to demonstrate their expertise.

It can be particularly useful if you can offer something in exchange, like benchmarking information.

Call to action buttons guide readers to take the desired action

20 Call To Action Examples For You To Utilize

These 20 simple email call-to-action examples are tried and proven to increase prospects’ responses. These methods have been implemented in our email campaigns, reaping great rewards

Establishing The Next Meeting

1. What will it take to get 15 minutes on your schedule for next week?

2. Can you or someone on your team hop on a quick 10-minute call this week to learn more?

It’s always a good idea to pick a random number that’s slightly smaller than normal. These examples suggest that you’re using a small amount of their time efficiently. You’re inviting the decision-maker to delegate rather than reject once again.

Putting The Steering In Their Hands

3. Could you let me know what the next steps are from your end?

Use this one a little later on in the sales process to engage the prospect in deciding how to proceed.

4. My board member is pressuring me hard in regard to our partnership. How should I respond?

A good personal relationship could work in cases where the deal is stalling for other reasons. It’s possible that social obligations will convince your prospect to get off the fence and take action.

5. I’m thrilled! Is there anything else I can do to make this happen?

In this case, it’s more open-ended. It would take a certain amount of confidence on your part to believe that they would ask for something. As a result of the prospect saying “Nothing”, you will be left in the awkward situation of relying on them to make contact again.

Giving Them A Little Push

6. Just to confirm. Will your next action be [YES] or [NO]?

By putting the onus on them, you are demanding action. It is no longer an issue of whether they will act. We are discussing the actions they will take. Definitely a positive development.

7. What did you think of the [OFFER] I sent over?

8. I realize you are super busy… may I chat with someone else on your team?

Using this method can be effective. If a senior decision-maker is too busy, you can convince them to delegate to another team member. That team member will probably feel compelled to prove to their boss that they can get the deal done. If you’re lucky, you’ll build an ally and stop being ignored by your contact.

9. Please let me know if you are interested in our latest research paper/free trial version of NUBIA?

A good one for the beginning of the process. After all, they can refuse. At least you’re providing value for free. At the very least, you stand to gain some engagement.

10. Would you please confirm your final action item is [YES]? Am I correct?

11. All you need to do is [ENTER DETAILS] and we are set. Can you complete this ASAP?

Both of the above could come across as brusque. However, it all depends on the situation. They might be a no-nonsense kind of person. Moreover, it focuses them on what they have to do to keep the deal moving.

Return To Action

12. Are you still interested in [NEW UPGRADE]?

13. I apologize, did I make a mistake, or are you just really busy?

14. Does teaming up with us make ANY sense for [COMPANY]?

Rather last-minute calls to action. However, sometimes you need to know whether the deal is still on track. The best thing to do is to find out as soon as possible if it’s a shot duck.

Use with caution on more responsive leads, otherwise, you may appear desperate.

15. Just to confirm we are waiting on [YOUR SIGNATURE]?

In case there is another decision-maker involved, they need to submit their input before the process can move forward. Use this one with your direct point of contact.

Establishing A Timeframe

16. Please let me know by [MONDAY 21, 2022] if you are ready to [SIGN].

The call to action is clear and straightforward. There is a need for action. You have set a deadline. They must act on it.

17. Will you please email me on [WEDNESDAY 31, 2022] to confirm [ACCESS]?

18. I will send you a calendar reminder about finalizing that paperwork on [Wednesday 24, 2022].

Is that good? The variations are usually used when the deal stalls and they promise to contact you in a week. This keeps things moving forward. Bringing it to a close and assuming the sale.

19. What name should be on the paperwork?

The assumption is that you already are there. Your ts are crossed, and you don’t have any more objections. Hopefully, that will smooth away any last-minute objections.

20. I’m eager to make this process super easy for you. What can I do to wrap things up smoothly on your end?

You should use these CTAs to push opportunities from the middle of the funnel to the bottom of the funnel.

Keeping the prospect engaged with simple calls-to-action keeps you at the top of their minds. You can use these call-to-action examples in your automated outbound emails.

Hopefully, you found these call-to-action examples useful.


Email marketing is one of the most fertile spaces when it comes to online marketing. Using the right tools and methods is what separates success from failure.

Want to skyrocket email campaign conversion? All of these CTA examples listed above provide a clear and easily appliable strategy, Your email marketing campaign success rate will tremendously rise. these examples are the best email targeting tips.

Given you implement these examples correctly. Marketers worldwide have used these proven examples to gain an edge over their competitors. As the world changes by the day, it’s only natural that marketers and marketing strategies follow the same pattern. Email marketing benefits include connecting directly with prospects, taking advantage of this is key.

Utilizing these methods and examples in your emails will only increase your conversions.

Neil Napier

Neil Napier is the co-founder of Mailvio. Neil started his entrepreneurial journey in 2012 out of necessity to keep his visa in the UK, when he failed to keep his visa he moved to Finland and started his career as a serial entrepreneur and super affiliate. With over $10 million USD in revenue generated, he is a sought-after expert entrepreneur, copywriter & product creator.


  1. […] email marketing advances, it makes sense to include a call-to-action to entice your subscribers to interact with you and your brand further. In addition to these […]

  2. […] A call to action could also be added or improved to encourage more clicks and conversions. […]

  3. […] Additionally, you can find templates that are proven to convert in the company’s marketplace where you can further customize your emails. By using its drag-and-drop editor, you can change the layout and elements like call-to-action. […]

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  5. […] gives them a positive return on investment. In order to create an effective video, make sure your call-to-action doesn’t get lost in the […]

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  8. […] emails need to be aligned with your call to action if you keep sending them without a […]

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