Email subject for meeting request is essential in setting up a meeting for a business. A meeting request email can be sent for a number of reasons.
This includes scheduling an interview, following up on a business opportunity, or discussing a project with a potential client. Communication skills such as the ability to schedule meetings correctly and clearly are essential for a successful career.
This article shows you how to schedule a meeting through email, with templates and samples to guide you.
In an email meeting request, you ask the person you are emailing to schedule a time, date, and place to meet with you. In some cases, you may have a prearranged time and are confirming it. Scheduling a meeting using email has many benefits:
What Are the Benefits of Scheduling a Meeting via Email?
Scheduling a meeting by email brings a number of benefits to the table. Let’s take a look at some of them:
- Members of the team can easily save and refer back to the email for meeting details such as time, place, and date.
- Individual phone calls (and in-person notifications) can lead to miscommunications, which is not the case with email.
- The recipient can RSVP directly from the email notification with one click.
- In addition to seeing who else is invited, attendees can also review the agenda.
How to Request a Meeting via Email
Be clear about your objectives when setting up a meeting via email. These steps will help you set up an effective email meeting:
1. Use a Salutation
Typically, you should start your email with a salutation, just like you would when writing a business letter. In general, the message should be addressed to the recipient as “Dear Mr./Ms.”. If you’re writing to someone with an unfamiliar name, use both first and last names: “Dear Anshu Jose.” If you are inviting more than one person, use the group title, such as “Dear department heads,” or “To all mathematics teaching assistants.”.”
2. Introduce Yourself (If Necessary)
In some cases, you might have to schedule a meeting with someone who is unfamiliar with you and who did not receive your email. Introduce yourself and include an appropriate detail so that the recipients can verify the email is genuine.
An example would be “I am Stephanie Morris, and I am a nurse practitioner with 12 years of experience,” or “My name is David Barret, and my job is proofing.”
3. Write a Clear Subject Line
The subject lines for emails are the most important part of your email, but it is often overlooked. Researchers found that 47% of emails are opened solely for the subject line, so great headers are key to getting to the next step.
How does an irresistible subject line look? In addition to the date of the meeting and the recipient’s name, it has been shown to increase open rates. Limiting the subject line to three or four words also results in the highest response rate. It’s important to note this aspect for creating a good email subject for meeting request.
To engage the recipient, subject lines should be concise, clear, and contain interesting or personal detail. Whenever possible, include the words “meeting” or “schedule.” Include information that will convince someone to open it, like a common friend’s name.
Subject lines could include “Request a meeting” or “Please let me know the best time to meet.” or even “Claire Hollowell suggested we meet.”
4. Explain Why You Want to Meet
The best way to resolve or discuss some issues is via email or over the phone. To make your email recipient understand the importance of setting up a meeting, explain the reason.
Also, telling the recipient why you are meeting will help them prepare and allocate time and resources accordingly.
Provide specific information, such as “I am interested in hiring a temporary assistant to help with Finley Collection intake at the Field Museum,”. Another one is “I want to learn how our firm can help your online presence grow.”
5. Be Flexible About Time and Place
Provide your recipient with options regarding the meeting if you can do so. Flexibility may make it more likely that they will find a time and place that is convenient for them. Mention a few different times and locations, so they can choose one.
I can meet at 8 a.m. either Tuesday or Wednesday next week, or Thursday after 4 p.m. If you’d like, I can reserve a conference room at our office on 2378 Westhill Street for you at the time you choose.”
However, it would be helpful if you made it clear that you are open to suggestions: “If these times don’t work for you, or if you would like to meet somewhere else, please let me know.”
6. Request a Reply or Confirmation
Request that your email recipient let you know if they can attend the meeting. You can make reservations, order food and drinks, or reserve a meeting space through this system.
Make clear how the invitee can let you know if they are coming. You can say, “Please call my assistant at (231) 467-87900 to finalize the meeting,” “Please RSVP by July 28 to this avoid,” or “Can you let me know as soon as possible which of the above times will work best for you.”
7. Send a Reminder
A day or two before the meeting, send a reminder with details about the place and time.
Sometimes, you may have to schedule a meeting for two parties, such as when you are an administrative assistant, and you need to schedule a meeting for your manager and someone else.
Be sure you let both parties know the agreed time and place, and you can send them reminders.
For example, send a message such as, “Dear Mr. Burrough, I wanted to remind you of your 11:30 a.m. meeting tomorrow with Jennifer Leach of Sunset Designs.
We have a reservation for you both at Fresh Harvest Bruncheria at 876 Smythe Street. If there is anything that requires us to change the appointment, please notify me.”
If they decline without explanation, you can ask if they prefer a different time or location. If you have not heard back from them at all, you should check on their receipt.
Templates for scheduling a meeting email
Schedule a meeting with someone you know
Schedule a meeting with someone you do not know
Meeting Request Email Samples
A meeting with prospects is an essential step in the sales process. This way, you’ll be able to dive deeper into their problems and their solutions without competing with them for their attention.
Remember, requesting a meeting is just the beginning of the conversation. Once they accept your offer, you need a plan of how to proceed. And also you want to make them glad they took you up on your offer.
Take the above request email samples and meeting email subject lines and make them your own.