It’s always a good idea to look into relevant facts about marketing before jumping into any form of online business.

When it comes to online marketing, most people have many unrealistic expectations. 

As a result, over 90% of digital marketers fail to achieve any form of success online. 

This article will discuss 20 important facts about marketing that are often overlooked. 

These facts will help you understand what it takes to succeed as a marketer and grow your business.

We will look at four specific types of marketing:

types of marketing

Thankfully, we were well aware of most of these points before we brought Mailvio, our flagship email automation software, to the world.

 And that is one of the main reasons why so many digital marketers now trust Mailvio to handle all their email marketing needs.

So let’s take a closer look at these facts now starting with Social Media Marketing. 

Five (5) Facts About Marketing – Social Media

facts about social marketing

Social media marketing is a great way to reach people from all corners of the world. Many social networks have millions, if not billions of users. 

YouTube has over one billion monthly active users, Twitter has 320 million, and Facebook has around two billion daily active users.

With the right marketing and brand development strategies in place, you can tap into this rich supply of leads, customers, and prospects.

1. Social Media Has A Huge Impact On Purchasing Decisions 

Over 85% of all online customers say that social media platforms like Pinterest help them with buying decisions. 

On top of that, at least 30% of all online shoppers have made a purchase directly from social media platforms at least once. While over 70% of them look up products on Facebook, Twitter, etc, before purchasing. 

This means that placing your products on these channels will help them get seen and with proper marketing, you’ll make more sales. 

2. Social Media Offers Poor Customer Service 

While the majority of social media companies profess that they offer great customer service, only 8% of customers agree. Nearly all online customers report that their messages to social companies go unanswered. 

Since customer service is the lifeblood of any good profitable business, it is essential that you go above and beyond for your customers. This will also help to set you apart from the competition and build customer loyalty. 

3. Social Media Is The Advertising Channel Of Choice 

Nearly 50% of online advertisers say they get the best results from social media ads. Especially video ads which people are 49% more likely to engage with. 

If you can design great video content, then you can carve out a huge share of the market for yourself. This is because most social media posts are in the form of images. 

At any rate, over $100 billion is already being spent on social media ads by digital marketers. This number is projected to reach $135 by 2025 due to the rise in internet usage. 

4. Customers Referrals Count

Ambassadors say that 71% of the customers who have a good experience on social media will speak about it with family and friends. 

They found that only 16% would share their social media experiences if they were dissatisfied and 14% were neutral. This means companies with good social media reputations have been able to engage their customers.

This is social proof that will boost your business’s reputation and credibility as well as bring you, new customers.

5. Social Media Demographics Will Affect Your Profits

Over 3.6 billion people use social media daily, and that number is expected to grow well beyond 5 billion by 2025. 

This will open many new avenues of revenue for online entrepreneurs. It’s now much easier to put our products/services in front of potential customers. 

But not all social media platforms are the same when it comes to user demographics. 

That’s why it’s so important that we know our ideal clients and where they hang out online.

A few other things to consider when choosing a social media for our businesses are: 

social media demographics

Having accurate data on these demographics will make it easy to select the best platforms to grow on. 

Now let’s take a quick look at two of the biggest social networks online, LinkedIn and TikTok.

Most users on LinkedIn are business owners or professionals between the ages of 44-55. As a result, LinkedIn is the #1 social network for B2B lead generation and marketing. 

While over 55% of TikTok’s users are people below the age of 25 who casually browse for entertainment. 

Companies in the fashion or fitness niches tend to do better on TikTok than B2B companies.

In light of these marketing facts, we can see how important it is for marketers and business owners to choose the right platform for their business based on demographics.

(5) Facts About Marketing – Email Marketing

 facts about email marketing

Email marketing has been around for a while. On the surface, it may appear to be less attractive than social media. However, if you underestimate the power of email, you could be severely missing out.

Email is still quite prevalent today, and it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. In many ways, email marketing can be more successful than its social media counterparts.

1. Emails Have A Greater Reach Than Social Media Posts

Although social media is more popular than email marketing, the latter has not gone away. This is because people are more responsive to emails than social media messages.

The number of worldwide email users has risen to four billion in 2020 and is projected to reach 4.6 billion by 2025.

In 2020, we can expect there to be about 306 billion emails sent every day. This number will keep growing, and by 2025, it will be 376 billion.

On top of that, many social platforms such as Facebook limit the number of people who can see your posts. 

This is in an attempt to get more people to purchase ads. 

Therefore, if email marketing is not a part of your brand development strategy, you should seriously start considering it.

2. Most Emails Are Read On Mobile Devices 

Interestingly enough, nearly 50% of all emails are read on mobile devices. Meaning, that you must use mobile-friendly email templates if you want the best results for your campaigns. 

If your emails are not mobile-friendly your open rates, conversions, and engagements will be on the low end. Your subscribers may have a bad user experience and opt out of your list altogether. 

So, to avoid this, try using an autoresponder like Mailvio that offers stunning mobile-friendly email templates. 

3. Email Marketing Has The Highest Clickthrough Rate

Higher than social media or direct traffic, email marketing has a higher clickthrough rate.

In 2014, emails generated $67 billion in revenue for brands worldwide.

More people read emails than they do content on Facebook or search engines.

With a clickthrough rate of 21.23 percent and a 16.46% conversion, email marketing has the highest conversion rate among digital channels.

4. Personalized Email Campaigns Are More Profitable

Personalized emails have been shown to generate 14 times more revenue per email sent.

As a result, marketers can use this tactic to gain a competitive edge in their niche and stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Personalization is vital for small businesses that want to become relevant to their niche. It can help them build trust with clients when they send out offers and products that are valuable.

Personalizing your emails will help your subscribers relate to and trust you more. This increases customer loyalty and brand authority. 

5. Email Marketing Has Great ROI

Most marketers agree that every email subscriber is worth at least $1 per month. This means an email list of 10,000 people can really pull in 10 grand each month. 

What makes this really powerful is the fact that you can automate your entire email marketing effort with the right autoresponder. Allowing you to earn passively. 

The money is indeed in the list. 

6. Emojis In The Subject Line Increase Open Rates By 56%

Emojis are pictures that help you tell people how you feel. They also catch attention quickly. 

Many social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest & others already use emojis on their platforms, so it’s no wonder that marketers worldwide have adopted this technique too.

Emojis can put a smile on your face. They make it more personal in an email, and there is a better chance of getting read.

Personalization has been proven time & again to dramatically increase open email rates.

7. Email Marketing Has A High Customer Retention Rate

Email marketing is a good way for marketers to create long-lasting relationships with their customers.

Emails are the best place to start building that relationship. It helps customer retention rates too.

People often look at emails for companies they have bought from or done business with before. 

This is especially important for small businesses that want to grow quickly. Emails can help them build trust with clients very fast when they send relevant offers and products.

Five (5) Facts About Marketing – Video Marketing

Video marketing is a powerful tool that has been popularized in recent years. It is an excellent way to create a deeper connection with your audience.

You can talk about new products and services with testimonials from current customers in your videos and so much more. 

The main driving force behind video success is how engaging they can be. Videos are also well known for grabbing people’s attention and providing relevant information quicker than other methods.

1. YouTube Is The Most Popular Video Share Platform

As the world’s second-largest website, YouTube pulls in billions of users every single day. And there are still so many untapped niches and keywords just waiting to be ranked for. 

With the right marketing strategy, quality videos, and a little bit of effort, it is possible to grow an entirely passive digital empire on YouTube. 

2. Short Videos Are The Best 

66% of people are in favor of watching short videos to learn about a product or service. The shorter the better. If your videos are too long you’ll lose a third of your visitors after just 30 seconds and more than 60% after two minutes

That means your videos will have to be quick, engaging, and packed with value if you want to get any meaningful traction. 

3. Videos Boost Landing Page Conversions 

According to Unbounce, adding a video to your landing page can skyrocket your conversions by up to 80%. This is because videos are so engaging and remove the need to read long bodies of texts.

They allow your landing page visitors to quickly understand what you are offering and provide relevant Calls to Action. 

4. Videos Are Super Engaging 

Studies show that people have shorter attention spans than ever before. You only have a few seconds to grab their attention with your content. That’s why video marketing is so powerful. 

Of all content types, videos were shown to be the most engaging.

This is especially true on platforms like Instagram where video posts generated an average of 150 comments per post. 

number of comments per Instagram post

Video marketing is even more powerful when combined with other marketing channels such as social media. 

5. Videos Have Great Potential ROI

Most business owners on social media claim to have gained a new client thanks to a video they shared.

Nearly 95% of all marketers are happy to spend money on video ads and are even happier with their return on investment. 

On top of that, it’s now easier to target your ideal customers on YouTube by placing ads in front of viewers while they are watching content relating to your brand. 

6. The Majority of Online Content Will Be In Video Format 

Video marketing has been around for a long time, but it is starting to pick up. This is because more and more people are using the internet to watch videos.

Brands are responding to this change and know what people prefer. As a result, they have already started making changes to their content strategies.

That’s because internet traffic is expected to be in video format within the next few years.

More and more, people use visual elements on social media. But, unfortunately, this means that brands will only share images with very little text.

7. Video Is A Valuable Lead Generation Tool

Video marketing has become a powerful way to reach potential customers as they are spending more time online. 

It is now the preferred method of content for internet users, and marketers looking to generate leads need to use this trend in their strategies.

Video allows businesses to break down information into smaller, digestible chunks that can appeal to those watching from work or home. 

They can be shared easily online, which contributes to its lead generation capabilities as it allows the video content to reach a larger audience with ease.

Plus, audiovisual content requires less of a user’s time and allows them to learn more about your company with minimal effort. 

Video may also be used to demonstrate a product or service in action, which can be helpful for consumers seeking to make an educated purchase decision. As a result, video marketing has become one of the most popular lead-generation tools used by marketers as it generates more leads than any other form of content.

Five (5) Facts About Marketing – Content Marketing

facts about content marketing

Some people call content marketing advertising that is not selling. You provide information that is very helpful and valuable instead of making the person buy your product or service.

Content Marketing is a business that is growing. You can join or advance your career in it. If you want to, here are ten facts about content marketing for you to know.

1. Your Content Doesn’t Have To Be Original

You do not have to be super creative to create great material for content marketing. This is a marketing fact. 

Most online content takes inspiration from material that’s already in circulation. The most important thing when it comes to content is how much value it brings and how interesting it is. 

So, while it’s good to be original, it wouldn’t hurt to look at what’s already working and use it as a building block. 

2. Generate More Leads By Blogging

A blog is a great way to generate leads and traffic to your products or services. The great part about blogging is that you can get fresh leads for years to come from content that takes only hours to write. 

Furthermore, outsourcing your content creation can make the process easier. By focusing on company or industry-related topics, your blog will become a source of valuable information in your niche. 

And, if you target the right, low-competition keywords, you’ll be able to outrage other websites easily. 

Lastly, regularly updating your blog shows that you are active and involved in your niche. 

3. Blog Posts With Images Have Higher Click-Through Rates

Today there are over 1.7 billion websites online and many of them are blogs. You can find blogs about almost any topic now and it’s moved beyond being just a simple hobby. 

Blogging is a full-time venture for many companies and professionals. So blog content has become longer and more in-depth. 

To help with readability and click-through rates, high-quality images have become a constant theme of valuable blog posts.

Most SEO experts recommend using banner images and images with alt tags to add value to your post and to rank better. 

4. Content Marketing is Cost-effective

Content marketing can cost up to 60% less than more traditional forms of marketing. On top of that, content marketers often see 6 times high return on investment

No wonder 61% of marketers intend to focus more on contenting marketing and over 20% have cut their traditional marketing budgets. 

Most buyers now do at least some research online before making a purchase.

5. Quality Over Quantity

This is one of the most often overlooked facts about marketing.

The quality of your content is paramount for success. It is quality, not quantity, that will determine how well your content ranks and how engaging viewers find it. 

As a rule of thumb, it’s always better to create relevant articles on in-demand topics. To do this your content must be relatable and useful to your views. 

Every great idea and blog comes to life after research. Without proper research, even the best of ideas will be poorly and factually written. 

Pay attention to your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and the general outline of your content. And whatever you do, don’t plagiarize other people’s work. 

It’s great to find inspiration from other sources. But use that inspiration as a guide, learn from it and produce your own unique content. 

Wrapping Up

We felt it was imperative to share these 20 Facts About Marketing that most people overlook. 

Most people do not bother to do market research and just jump right in with false expectations. 

And soon enough, their hopes are dashed. 

Even though it is possible to make a lot of profits in a  short time online, without the right approach you’ll never be able to win. 

The right approach starts with the right mindset and understanding the need to treat your online efforts like a real business. 

With that said, these facts about marketing should definitely help you out especially when it comes to drawing up a brand development strategy

They sure helped us to bring many successful products to the market. Products such as Mailvio have gone on to generate many thousands of dollars in recurring sales. 

It might be a good idea to take a look at it here before you even begin marketing. 

And with that, we’ve come to the end of this discussion. I would love to hear what you think about this topic in the comment section below. 

Cheers, until next time. 


Steven is the co-founder of Mailvio and oversees the operations and technical strategy and implementations. Steven has been an online entrepreneur since he was 14 years old and has been running SaaS companies for the last 10 years.

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