Read our blog to sharpen your Email Marketing & Affiliate Marketing Skills
Writing A Newsletter People Actually Read: Tips and Examples
An email list full of targeted subscribers is a fundamental asset for online success. But that’s only half the battle. Next, you need to engage with your subscribers and provide them with value. You do this by writing a newsletter …
Developing A Brand Strategy: Real-World Examples & Tips
Developing a brand strategy is a necessary step that no business owner can afford to ignore. The fact is, having a good product or service is no longer enough to thrive. To be successful, you need to find a way …
6 Tips To Design A High Converting Opt-In Page
As they say, “The money is on the list”. But without a high-converting opt-in page, you’ll be leaving a big chunk of that money on the table. A high-converting opt-in is a fundamental and integral part of digital marketing. A …
How to Send Mass Emails in Gmail: 3 Easy Steps
Sending mass emails in Gmail is possible but hardly ideal. There are many limitations and issues that make Gmail less than a perfect option for that. This is especially true if you are wondering how to send a group email …
How to Embed A Video Into Email: A Step-by-Step Guide
This article will show you how to embed a video into email content for various purposes. Videos can help you connect with readers in a more captivating way than text alone can. This is because videos target both the eyes …
How to Embed an Image Into An Email: Step By Step
Are you struggling to embed an image into an email? Well, you are not alone. Many digital marketers find it difficult to complete this same task. The good news is that embedding images into your emails is pretty easy to …
Mailvio vs Mailerlite – An Insightful Comparison
The demand for email automation tools (autoresponders) has grown excessively over the last few years and so has the supply. There are now dozens of autoresponders on the market, each trying to distinguish themselves by addressing specific customer needs. It …
9 Effective Tips to Avoid Spam Trap and Mail Effectively
Spam Trap email addresses are not used by real people and if you mail to them your content will be marked as spam. This is why it is important for online marketers to practice good list hygiene. By doing so, …
What Is The Best Font For Emails To Boost Engagement
Have you ever wondered what is the best font for Emails? Font choice is an important part of email marketing. Gone are the days when we used to enjoy reading lengthy pieces of content. Now, people have a much shorter …
10 Tips to Instantly Reduce Your Email Bounce Rate
Having a high email bounce rate can severely affect your marketing campaigns. The more your emails bounce, the worse your sender reputation will be. And if your emails bounce too often, your sender address might end up being blacklisted. Being …